Do you ever wish you could (LEGALLY!) handcuff people to their chairs and make them watch your video right to the end?
Discover How To INSTANTLY GRAB Your Viewer’s Attention, Stick Their Eyes To The Screen, and keep them glued to your video message, INCREASING SALES AND CONVERSIONS, While STUFFING YOUR POCKETS WITH PROFITS.
- Save TIME- no need to search for unique content
- Save MONEY- no need to hire an artist or animator
- Keep INTEREST- people keep watching
- SELL MORE- more eyes on your offer = more $ in your pocket
MORE THAN Double Your Package
Plus Get Extra Formats Too!
So before you go to the membership area, I’d like to give you the opportunity to expand your VidStickers package by adding another 53 professionally designed animations to the (more than) 40 you already own.
Not just ANY animations either. Hand gestures are some of my favorite animations because people seem to IDENTIFY with them, and the TALKERS AND BLINKERS package will allow you to animate ANYTHING. Put an animated talker on a toaster and you’ve got a talking toaster! Pretty darn cool, don’t you think?
So that’s OVER 90 fresh, fun, snappy video animations in SWF format to use any way you like!
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