1. Selecting a Reputable Hosting Provider
2. Creating Unique and Secure Passwords
3. Automating Website Backups
4. Securing The Website With SSL and HTTPS
5. Updating Plugins and CMS
6. Installing a Scanner and Firewall
7. Preventing Denial Of Service Attacks (DoS)
8. Obscuring Header Info
9. Defending Your Website Against SQL Injection Attacks
10. Securing Online Checkouts
11. Selecting Anti-Malware Software
12. Safeguarding From XSS Vulnerabilities
13. Securing The Web Server Processes
14. Scheduling Regular Tests Of The Configurations
15. Using Secure Cookies
16.Disabling Insecure Cipher Suites
17. Enabling The HTTP Strict Transport Security
18. Setting Up a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
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