Deal Quokka is your ultimate destination for exclusive software and design deals online. We specialize in offering unparalleled discounts for web developers, designers, marketers, businesses, bloggers, and freelancers. Our leading VIP Club unlocks a continuously expanding library of millions of digital resources.
As the founder, Jasper Cyan, I’ve built a community of over 50,000 users through my parent brand Jasrati and our design software Plasfy, which have received hundreds of reviews and dozens of awards for user satisfaction. I understand the frustrations creators face—having poured heart and soul into a product, only to feel exploited by deal sites.
Imagine spending countless hours perfecting your creation, assuming all financial risks, and providing all necessary materials - only to encounter delayed or never getting any payments, slashed prices without your consent, and poor customer support.
My breaking point came when a major deal for one of my products was delayed for weeks, then launched with a massive, unapproved discount. That moment crystallized our resolve: creators like myself deserve better.
During a holiday visit to Rottnest "Quokka" Island in Perth, I was inspired by the cheerful and resilient quokka. Driven by this experience, I created Deal Quokka - a platform that champions fairness and transparency for creators. Our mission is clear: empower creators with a fair, transparent, and supportive environment.
If you’ve ever felt mistreated or undervalued in your journey, I believe the best response is to build something remarkable - something that sets a new standard in the industry. At Deal Quokka, I’m turning that frustration into a platform that not only supports creators but also offers unbeatable value. Every setback I faced has driven me to create a space where creators are treated with the respect they deserve. It’s a reminder that when you put your heart into your work, you can achieve something extraordinary.
We are committed to recognizing the effort behind great products and ensuring creators receive the rewards they deserve.
Deal Quokka is more than just a platform—it’s a movement to give creators the respect and rewards they deserve. Join us and experience a deal platform designed with you in mind. Together, we can build a community where creativity is celebrated, and success is shared.
Welcome to Deal Quokka – where creators come first.
Founder - Deal Quokka, Jasrati & Plasfy
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Deal Quokka is your one-stop shop for the greatest and latest software and design deals for web developers, designers, marketers, businesses, bloggers & freelancers. Our premier Deal Quokka VIP Club allows you to access millions of premium digital resources.